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Pages: [1]
« on: August 11, 2009, 11:02:22 PM »
I have a Triumph Tigress scooter to which I am doing a light restoration. I have some concern with regards to how the two frame tubes that come up from under the foot board to under the handlebars are joined to the tube which contains the steering. They are held together by two strips of steel loops. There are bolts which hold the main frame tubes to the loops. I initially thought that the steering tube was held in place by tightening the bolts but I have read thatt these were welded. Upon cleaning these areas there appears to be one very small spot of weld. (1-2 mm). The tube its self in the area is gold in colour, brazed. Everything seems so neat. I'm sure the course paper I used to rub down these areas wouldn't have rubbed away the brazing.
Any views gratefully received.
Thanks. D

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