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Messages - tonyjeff

Pages: [1]
British Bikes / Norton parts for sale
« on: February 01, 2010, 06:49:48 PM »
  • Rear Number Plate – Enclosed Type (Dominator e Single)
  • Rear Lamp 12V BRITAX – REPLACES LUCAS L564 (Dominator, Lightweight e Single)

  • 017731 Oil Bath (Dominator e Single)
  • 064882 Logo Norton (silver)
  • 44-00042 The Unaproachable Norton (gold)

  • Roadholder (bronze)

Please, send me an e-mail through my profile.  Cheers.

British Bikes / Re: Art for Norton ES2 petrol tank (top)
« on: October 27, 2009, 02:26:27 PM »
OMG, Justin! The picture you have sent is just amazing!  :o

I would risk to say that the blur in the middle of the petrol tank at your picture is the logotype, which is nowadays called "tank top transfer".

Now talking about the width of each line, and considering that there was not a rigid standard, which do you recommend?

Many thanks!!

British Bikes / Art for Norton ES2 petrol tank (top)
« on: October 27, 2009, 12:29:32 AM »
Hi; I'm refurbishing a Norton ES2 1949 and have deep doubts about which is the correct art for the TOP of the petrol tank.

Is it a design similar to the one at the side of the tank, where the logo is? Or is it a "drop" shaped design (by what I may see at Roy Bacon's book and Norton Singles part list)?

By the way: the petrol tank is chromed.

Could someone please help me???  :'(
(pictures would be welcomed)

Thanks in advance!!!

Pages: [1]