Biking freedoms in France !
Are they not under pressure from lane control ideas, isn't it true that, you cannot build a special in France & get it registered or insured, if the engine was not supplied by the manufacturers? That the dreaded & unreasonable type-approval has taken hold in the land of our garlic eating cousins, (good for the blood I may add)! Europe is full of paranoid bureaucratic legislators who do not really understand our Island mentality!
But if you now live in France, then surely the good old days must have been better for you here in Blighty, otherwise you wouldn't be out their in France, sans logick!
Having said that, things here have got mighty merde in the last 25 years, personal opinion is the EU monstrosity hasn't helped the UK @ all, we have just become a market for EU goods & given the imbecile politicians we have @ home more geographical opportunities to be imbeciles with the counterpoints abroad on le Continent.
Seriously glad to hear you are enjoying yourself in the Autumn of your life, the only way out is a bang, rather than a whisper!
à Bientot