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Messages - oxford_rebel

Pages: [1]
Identify these bikes! / Re: Help id this frame please
« on: November 12, 2009, 08:52:15 AM »
Based only on the fact that it looks similar to the one hanging in my garage, could it be an Excelsior Consort/Universal type frame?
I can't help from the frame number, but the lugs look similar to my untrainned eye.

Identify these bikes! / Re: 1955 Excelsior, but what model?
« on: November 10, 2009, 11:47:02 AM »
Thanks Blue,
At least we know what it started out life as now. That had been bugging me for a while!
The 8e does fit, but will need some plates making to match the mounts up, so I suspect you are right about the lugs being different.
It was always likely to end up a bit of a bitsa, so unless an excelsior 147cc engine turns up in good nick, I think we are now rebuilding a Courier-Master!
Do you now if the mudguards would have been common to the roadmaster and Courier? Any idea what sort of speedo it would have had?
Thaks for your help.

Identify these bikes! / 1955 Excelsior, but what model?
« on: November 06, 2009, 05:15:15 PM »
Hello forum,
As it seems there is a wealth of knowledge on Excelsiors on this forum, I hope you don't mind my joining the bandwagon and asking for any information on my recent purchase.
We picked up our Excelsior at Dorset Steam Fair as a small pile of bits, not even knowing the make or model. The attached picture is of what we got when it was all roughly placed together.
We have done a fair amount of research since.
- We tracked the registration down to a dealership in Barnet, Hertfordshire. Issued in 1955. We have the first owners name and address but little else.
- After a lot of google image searching we think it to be a Roadmaster. So we have purchased a '55 Villiers 8e to go in it.
- We are now upto about 85% of the parts needed to rebuild it, although some are not quite correct, but as close as we can reasonably find.
I would be interested if anyone can shed any light on the frame number, I had thought that no records of Excelsior frame numbers existed, untill I saw other posts on this forum. The number appears to be: 5pc/625 although I could easily believe I have misread it. We haven't stripped the frame yet. Is it a Roadmaster or one of the manyother models they made at the time?
Any help would be appreciated.

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