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Messages - rbwilliams2

Pages: [1]
Identify these bikes! / Re: Identify this bike ?
« on: January 14, 2010, 07:13:59 PM »
Thank you for the identification. I contacted a relative in Wales, and he managed to find the original registration documents from the the Motor Vehicle Department. The bike is a 1934 Triumph 493cc.



Identify these bikes! / Identify this bike ?
« on: December 30, 2009, 11:47:43 PM »
Here's a photo of my father on his bike, probably taken in 1939 - 1941. He lived in North Wales at the time. You can see the blackout cover on the headlight. I'm trying to add some info to the family history and would like to identify the bike. I've been having a difficult time finding a bike with the high exhaust. Thanks much.

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