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Messages - Stevejs

Pages: [1]
« on: February 09, 2011, 08:31:31 AM »
If you have a Petsealed petrol-tank all you have to do is remove the coating and replace it with an ethanol-compatible product. The stuff you need to remove Petseal is methyl chloride based, like Nitromors paint-stripper. You'd better get it quick, though: our beloved masters in Brussels are expected to ban methyl chloride products soon - evidently too dangerous for us oiks to mess with.

The joke is that biofuels, when the impact of their production is taken into account, are reckoned to cause more emissions than the fossil-fuels they are supposed to replace. The source? Friends of the Earth, not normally an organisation we find on our side of an argument!

British Bikes / Re: No MOT on historic vehicles, will it happen?.
« on: January 25, 2011, 08:06:01 PM »
wetdog, un-MoT'd (and uninsured) vehicles are on the road and having crashes as you say, but they are a criminal and invisible minority, not a visible and easily identifiable minority which has been granted a special concession, as we would be.

British Bikes / Re: No MOT on historic vehicles, will it happen?.
« on: January 25, 2011, 03:27:37 PM »
Rex is right. We have got away with the 'Free Tax' deal so far, but by placing us in a tiny minority there is always the risk that it leaves us vulnerable to the imposition of restrictions on our vehicles.

With 'Free MoT' as well, we all know that not everybody would be as rigorous with their maintenance as they should. Just one serious incident involving an ill-maintained and un-MoT'd historic vehicle would tar us all with the same brush.

British Bikes / Re: Speedtwin brake problems
« on: August 20, 2010, 09:02:27 AM »
Are the brakes 'original' or are they fitted with modern asbestos-free linings? If the latter, try looking out for some NOS original type linings. Cheaper than a TLS conversion!

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