Thanks for that list, I may have one marked already but I shall look into them all anyway.
Some of the 1930s French bikes (especially the 350+ cc) have a beautiful Art Deco look about them which I find very appealing, but the prices for rebuild/incomplete projects are, or can, be horrendous. Whether it was Adolf's world tour requiring lots of scrap metal, or the "run it into the ground" philosophy of the French errr... peasants causing shortages, I don't know.
I do know that my 1935 250 M-G is very much a "big bike built small" in it's design and construction; Webb style forks, mag, four-speed foot change etc make it very attractive (to me, anyway!)
Thankfully it runs, and when the warmer weather comes I can finish off a few jobs, MoT it then re-reg it.
Should be good for a few "what on Earth is that?" comments come the summer runs....