Ok so question for those who know... in the photo below (aslong as it came out) is 2 heads one on the left is off my c11.... blown head gasket made me remove it.... the one on my right is one of 2 i have as spares both bought as c11 and look kinda correct but different as can be seen.... I have matching barrells for all heads but where I have the prob is is the one on the right a c11 head?
Rocker gear is the same valves seem the same although I havn't removed to confirm left hand head has 6 fins right hand has 7 is it a later model head???
the other thing is the left hand head where the Trunnion bolts down ther has been 2 washers/spacers fitted to lift the Trunnion would this be normal???
any help please.... twas sposed to be a quick freshn up and on the road.... that was 4 months ago a rebuilt wheel,rewire,rebuilt forks and more to go and summer is drawing to a close.