I can only say this , if you have kids / next of kin and you think you may fall foul of this unfair tax sort it out now before its to late as you may leave a large debt behind , property and vheicules have appretiated at an alarming rate over the last 30 years, and at my age it does not take much to reach the limit @370,000 , you need to start the ball rolling @ 7 years before you pass on but preferably before as if you have to go into care they also will assess your assets , again to much and its private care untill your skint , then and only then will you be eligible for help , I am assuming that Rex has kids and will be in this situation in which case sort it out before its to late , which i suspect is the underlying problem with this Vincent affair , the jampot story is sad and tells us to be warry of dealers bearing gifts , and always remember what ever a dealer will give you its worth more
PS cannot say to much but this man was in care and not dead when these machines where removed . thats the last i have to say