Wetdog, et al,
It looks like many people have Feather-beds & either do not ride them, or do not have any opinions on their handling & riding characteristics, or can't type or be bothered to comment!
So many people with absolutely nothing to say, Yes folks, welcome to Modern Britain!
Or should I be asking, what does it push like, when it glides over the spare bedroom carpet, in a vacuum packed bag, can you feel the nature of the beast?
I remember a campaign some years ago, " Ride it don't Hide it", but as bike values go up & people get older, criminal interests have heightened, it was probably on a loser, plus traffic conditions have got more challenging from avoiding penalty points to avoiding idiots on the road. I also remember in the 1970s, when bikes jumped up in price, weight, capacity, power & kudos, suddenly the death rate of riders shot up & Bike magazine reckoned it was because many rider's wouldn't let their machines go in the event of an accident, clinging on, often with fatal results , instead of kicking away their precious steed & having a better chance of survival!