The Honda trail bikes of the early seventies have nice alloy rims in 36 spoke that fit British 36 fronts,as they have half hubs and drum brakes.Some British bikes have six or eight different types of spokes in one wheel,inner and outer spokes will have different head bend angles.I made jigs up to dimple and drill rims,using old car flywheels for the division,and an adjustable bracket to hold the punch or drill.One for 40,say 120 tooth ringgear,one for 36,say 144,harder to find.Austin ,I think was one.A lot of "money charging"[dont call them professionals]wheelbuilders do it all freehand,and get an appallingly bad result.How" one size fits all" Indian rims that are sold on ebay go,well we ve all seen bowed spokes on restorations.Do you know which bike has 80 identical spokes?Two I can think of.Regards John.