This bike is really amazing to me, it has advanced technology that the Japanese and USA bikes had no clue of at that time. It is amazing because they were racing these in motocross in Hungary and Czechs and all over Europe back in the 50's and 60's when in USA we didn't know what motocross was. So these engineers were ahead of us. This long stroke 2 stroke engine was faster and lighter than the 4 strokes, the bike has a removable sub frame like you find on modern bikes today, the seat comes off with 2 wing nuts, it has a real air box inside the frame, it has an up-pipe, tank comes off with 1 bolt, the purpose of the lights was so you could ride to the race track which was common in Europe in those days. This is also the bike that won the cherry creek Pro Motocross national in the USA back in 1966, or 67... I really love this Bike! I need to start restoring, and searching for parts.