This is about the bike we converted to electric start, which for about a year has run sweetly with no significant problems. it started spluttering while out on a run and had to be recovered to the workshop .
We found that the clamp retaining the dynamo and Mag had worked loose allowing the dynamo to move, and we wondered if the timing might have jumped a tooth and set about checking.
It asks for 7/16” before TDC at full advance . We found it at about 1.7” so adjusted back to 7/16". It then would not start at all. Changed the plug and got it to fire but was still running rough and popping back through the carb. No matter where we set the advance lever , it still backfired when we eased the choke back to normal running position.
Then tried at 7/16” btdc with full retard, (on the basis that we could advance it on the lever to find a sweet spot.) We were unable to find a point where it would run without choke, yet without popping and flashing back through the carb. Full advance takes it to about the 1.7” btdc figure , which is where we found it.
Turning to carburettor we tried all the needle positions of the carb ( Amal 928) and no improvement. Just a bit more smoke at highest needle position
Even tried a new carb which does exactly the same . I know the proper carb should be Amal 276 but the bike had always had this one and it has run well since we recommissioned it .
We have checked compression (115-120 psi cranking). We have tried a couple of new plugs too. Contact breaker points gap is 0.012”
Despondency is starting to take hold of us .
Can anyone point us in the right direction. If we are going wrong we just cant see where.
Any assistance will be much appreciated