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Topics - BSA1

Pages: [1]
The Classic Biker Bar / Bike purchase and delivery dangers!
« on: February 22, 2010, 09:57:21 AM »
I want to purchase a bike that is at the other end of the country.  I could pick it up but it would be easier to post a cheque off and have it delivered.  This seems really dodgey to me  :o  Giving money without receiving a V5 there and then.  I wondered how people go about it and if anyone could recommend a good bike delivery company.  Thanks.

British Bikes / Info on BSA 1940's bikes for a novice!
« on: February 14, 2010, 04:54:25 PM »
I have always admired classic bikes and am looking for something similar to the below.  I only have a budget of £3.5 max.  I would like sometng like the one in the picture but realise it would be above my budget.  Could I get an ex-Army one.  What are the engines like, are they easy to work on, are spares OK etc etc, or have you any other suggestions for somethng similar which maybe a better option.

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