Author Topic: 2015 TT and Classic TT  (Read 5091 times)

Offline WG

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2015 TT and Classic TT
« on: May 01, 2015, 10:38:09 AM »
Previous years' coverage of the TT and Classic TT on ITV4 has, in my humble opinion, been excellent bar for one annoying piece of editing. The dubbing of music over the sound of a bike at full tilt. Particularly a classic bike.
For me, the experience is not complete without the sound. You might as well be watching Pavarotti but have his voice dubbed over with the sound of a tractor. Not that there's anything wrong with a tractor of course.
I have emailed ITV4 on numerous occasions in the past about this irritating point without response.
It now transpires that a company called North One TV compiles all the coverage for ITV4 and a team is currently preparing for the forthcoming TT, so I sent them an email requesting that they at least consider not masking the sound of the bikes with music.
I doubt very much whether my sole request will have any effect whatsoever but if a few of the members from this club and other motorcycle clubs request the same then perhaps demand may sway their decision.
If you prefer to watch AND HEAR the bikes during this year's coverage please take a little time to express your views and send them an email or two.
The Executive Producers of the company are:-

All the best fellas
Gareth Jones.