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Messages - bgough

Pages: [1]
British Bikes / Re: Brockhouse Corgi Mk 2 c 1950
« on: March 03, 2007, 05:54:43 PM »
Thanks for the info,sorry for the delay.I will try the contact you have given me.Hope you manage to get a Corgi I have managed to buy another one for renovation.
Kind regards.
Brian Gough. :)

British Bikes / Brockhouse Corgi Mk 2 c 1950
« on: January 29, 2007, 07:51:23 PM »
I am trying to find out the original (red/crimson) colour for the petrol tank so that I can get a proper match when I respray the bike.I would be grateful if anyone can help,many thanks.
Brian.I am also trying to locate a stand or detailed sized drawings so that I can fabricate one,again my thanks.

British Bikes / Re: BSA Toolkit
« on: January 29, 2007, 07:40:56 PM »
if you log onto this site sells all manner of imperial and metric tools but more importantly it has a printable conversion table covering ALL imperial to imperial and metric sizes.Hope it helps,good luck.

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