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Messages - GerryB

Pages: [1]
The Classic Biker Bar / Can you identify my forks?
« on: March 12, 2007, 04:32:14 AM »
I've got strange forks on my '55 Thunderbird. I think they were changed in the '60s when nacelles were thought to look old.
I'm changing them back to the correct type and I will probably sell the ones I've got. But I don't know what they are other than I think they were BSA.
If I post a photo of them can anyone out there identify them for me ?

British Bikes / Re: Thunderbird Colours
« on: March 18, 2009, 10:26:22 PM »
Thanks chaps. Gold pin stripes it'll be.

British Bikes / Thunderbird Colours
« on: March 13, 2009, 10:33:56 PM »
Can anyone help clarify the trim colours of the 1955 Triumph 6T Thunderbird ? The bike is Polychromatic Blue throughout, but I don't know if it had a styling band on the mudguards in gold or not. The photos I have got are either in profile when in colour, or are black and white. The trim may not exist, although most Triumphs had one. The '56 T110 had a black band with white lines either side, on the Polychromatic Blue mudguard. However, the T110 had a black frame and oil tank etc, so that was part of the scheme. The 6T was almost all P-Blue including the frame and all tanks etc, so it may not have had a trim at all. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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