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Messages - Kevin59

Pages: [1]
British Bikes / Re: Triumph 6T engine removal
« on: June 08, 2009, 11:42:05 PM »
Thanks again, LAB

>>The 1956 model 6T Thundrbird would have had 'battery and coil' ignition (with a distributor) and an alternator for charging? It would not normally have had a magneto as standard. <<

No, this has magneto ignition - as I said, the previous owner had built the bike from the frame up and decided to use the T110 layout with a magneto instead of the coil/distributor. (I'm actually thinking of switching again, but to a Boyer in the rebuild).

Thanks for the tip on the manuals - will check them out.


British Bikes / Re: Triumph 6T engine removal
« on: June 08, 2009, 09:22:11 PM »
Thanks a lot T.A.B. Yes, it's on the left side, in the primary case. I was tempted to use the hammer, but figured that I'd better check first - years of experience have taught me that  :)

British Bikes / Triumph 6T engine removal
« on: June 08, 2009, 05:33:58 PM »
Hi all,

I've been lurking here for a while, but this is my first post. Sorry it's to seek advice, rather than give it, but hope someone will be able to give a steer.

I bought a 1956 Thunderbird about 3 years ago which had been "modified" to take on a Trophy look - badly. I was happy enough riding it around, but the engine was in need of some TLC and I decided to bite the bullet and remove it completely to get to the guts of it, rather than just try a cosmetic overhaul.

First problem I've come up against is the means of loosening off the nut on the engine shaft. Is this the one visble in the crankcase? The Haynes manual doesn't make it clear and goes on to say that you bend back the tab washer and then jar the nut loose with a socketspanner and mallet (doncha just love these technical tips!). Two paragraphs earlier in the step by step process it says to disconnect the rear brake, but in this para says to apply the break and engage top gear to stop the engine rotating. Any tips?

The same manual says about the different procedures needed for magneto type (which mine is) and alternator and (at para 15) goes in to detail about alternator models, but doesn't actually say where the two models merge again and goes on to talk about special tools being needed to remove the clutch as a single unit? Again, any advice on this would be appreciated.

Thanks for any advice and tips.


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