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Messages - s2airflow

Pages: [1] 2
Japanese Bikes / RXS 100
« on: March 29, 2014, 10:19:07 AM »
Can anyone help with a wiring diagram for a Yamaha RXS 100?We have ruled out the earlier RS 100 model now with help(no engine number decipherable) and need to compare the alternator colour codings to get it wired up & running.Thanks.Dave.

Japanese Bikes / RS 100 electrics
« on: March 26, 2014, 02:14:18 PM »
Help still wanted re RS 100.No further on from previous post.Has anyone got a wiring diagram for the electronic ignition model?Its got no numbers on it as it was stolen & recovered but the wiring diagram for the '70's model is different so I'm struggling with the Haynes which I have.Looking for info re connections from the alternator.Here's hoping,Dave.

Japanese Bikes / Re: 1978 cb400a CDI interchange
« on: March 16, 2014, 04:00:38 PM »
I made enquiries re this only to find that although there are people building new CDI units,no one did the Auto ones.I was told to change the entire set up for the 400T spec,plenty of those about.Saves junking the machine.Dave.

Japanese Bikes / Yamaha RS 100
« on: March 16, 2014, 03:48:10 PM »
Help neede to i/d Yam RS 100.I have a rough one with no docs/number plate & the engine no is unreadable.It was stolen/recovered & I have a Haynes manual up to 1975 from a friend who has a 1981 & his is identical with the manual (may just have been registered late).Mine has electronic ign & appears to be 50x50 bore & stroke & has casting nos 31J00 98cm3. on the barrel.There are 6 wires coming out of the flywheel mag,7 with the neutral ind. & they are:- pale blue,black,green/red,yellow.white/red and black/red plus the neutral ind wire.These are different from the ones shown in Haynes so the question is:from the colour codes I have can anyone help out with a diagram so that I can wire it up to get it to run & what year might it be?Any help welcome.Thanks.

British Bikes / Ariel Leader
« on: April 15, 2012, 10:46:41 PM »
I'm trying to remove the primary chain cover from a Leader but the tensioner screw at the front appears to be seized in the alloy.I've never had one apart before so has anyone got any ideas on tackling it before I do any damage?Thanks.Dave.

European and Other Bikes / Re: F,N. motorcycles
« on: January 22, 2012, 11:39:23 AM »
Hello Leon,I didn't have any front brake at all on the bike,amongst other things but have since obtained the cast brake lever and made the brake shoe plate.I have a parts list but would like a picture of the assembly from the adjusting screw casting on the forks down to the lever.That way I can probably scale things up to suit.& thats another step closer.Its one of the last '27 Comforts.Regards,Dave.

British Bikes / Flywheels
« on: January 17, 2012, 06:07:33 PM »
I have two sidevalve flywheels but they are not a pair, they are both the timing side with the oilways present .Maybe I should try to locate either another pair or possibly just the drive side BUT would there be a problem in pressing the spare timing side wheel into service if push came to shove?Any views most welcome.Thanks.

European and Other Bikes / F,N. motorcycles
« on: January 17, 2012, 05:58:55 PM »
Is there anyone out there with a 1926 Model 60 ?I am putting a Comfort basket case together and am struggling with the front brake mechanism as well as other odds and sods and could do with a little advice.

American Bikes / Indian Chief stroker
« on: December 04, 2011, 10:45:53 PM »
If a Chief is stroked from 74" to 80" is there anything else involved other than changing the flywheels?Thanks.

American Bikes / Re: Old Indians Never Ever Die Trailer
« on: December 04, 2011, 10:41:39 PM »
I thought that a DVD was due to come out after the Scottish Rally but I've heard no more about it.Was one produced & who did it?Dave.

British Bikes / Vintage wheelbearings
« on: December 04, 2011, 11:15:24 AM »
I want to use modern wheel bearings in a '30's bike as the cup & cones are not 100%.Anyone out there actually done it so that I could do the same?Hopefully with a gap bed lathe the wheel could remain intact.Fingers crossed,Dave.

British Bikes / Re: Cylinder finish
« on: May 12, 2011, 09:44:13 AM »
Thanks guys.Had them powder coated & so far O.K.

European and Other Bikes / Re: Amal Fischer
« on: March 06, 2011, 10:54:58 AM »
BMW also used these carbs which were made under licence in Germany.Try ( I think) BMW Traditions in Switzerland).The carbs are expensive if you can find them.

European and Other Bikes / Re: jawa cz 125 wiring help.....
« on: March 06, 2011, 10:48:17 AM »
I had one years ago & may still have a wiring diagram for it if you're still not sorted.Let me know & I'll start looking.

Autojumble / Re: DOT Motorcycle parts!
« on: March 06, 2011, 10:39:56 AM »
Presumably you have tried Dot m/cycles in Hulme,Manchester.The firm was there in the original premises up to a year or two ago - may still be trading there.Dave(I have one which I got w/out an engine so am on with that).

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