The bike runs fine when started but after riding it for a while (15+ mins) when I slow down for lights and the revs drop the engine just cuts out. The bike then won't start for about 20mins (i'm assuming till the engine cools down).
If it's a Boyer problem, then it sounds more like a low voltage problem, either due to a defective battery, or the charging circuit may not be working properly? 20 minutes "rest" would give the battery enough time to recover some voltage-so the ignition system then begins to work again. Do you normally ride with your lights on in daytime? How old is the battery?
I don't think the the Boyer unit under the seat has any problems and when I put a multimeter across the contacts it seems fine.
I doubt that is a conclusive test.
When the engine cut out, did you pull the plugs out and check they were not sparking?
But I think the Boyer unit electronics near the base of the R/H cylinder is overheating and when the revs drop a safety feature kicks in on the Boyer unit and cuts power to the plugs till it cools down sufficiently.
There's no built-in "safety cut-out" in any Boyer Bransden system-as far as I'm aware? Either some part of the system is overheating and going open circuit as a result-maybe a bad wire or earth connection or a kill switch fault, or a faulty coil primary circuit? Or it's simply a low voltage problem, which is something Boyer Bransden ignitions are known for (the latest B-B Micro MkIV version is less sensitive to low voltage than the old MkIII type.)