I am in the ending throes of the serious recommissioning of a 1973 Triumph T140V junkyard dog. It's looking pretty good.
Now in trying to get it to run properly, it's not being terribly cooperative.
Good news is that after almost 20 years of setting around and an electronic ignition, it started 2nd kick.
Bad news is that it idles like it has a 3/4 race cam. I've pulled alternating sparkplug wires, while it running, and it struggles and stops when the right plug is disconnected. That points to something amiss on the left side. It will accept throttle which leads me to the idle circuit, but the mixture screw seems to have no impact.
I used the initial settings in the workshop manual to get it started, but any change in those settings doesn't result in any smoothing of the idle.
What should I do?
I did adjust the throttle cables so both slides move simultaneously.