When i adjust the pilot air screw on my twin carb Triumph pre-unit 750 motor, i get the motor warm and then disconnect one spark plug so its running on one cylinder. I then adjust the air screw in until the engine starts to hunt and run lumpy, and then turning it out. The engine should pick up speed as you are turning the screw out, but will start to cut out if you go to far. I normally set the air screw at the fastest tick over speed the engine feels comfortable at.
I then do the same procedure to the other carb.
When both carbs have been correctly adjusted by the pilot air screw, you will find that the tick over speed will most probably be too fast when you connect to other spark plug lead for normal running. You will then have to screw out the throttle stop screws equally to obtain the correct tick over speed.
Before you carry out any of the above, make sure that the throttle slides are both lifting together from the fully closed position, by adjusting them by the throttle cable. If you don't all the above will be in vain.
Hope this helps
Its quite simple really. Remember both slides should lift together, and shut down together, and that there should be the same turns on both throttle stop screws when lifting or dropping the slides.