Author Topic: R.E. crusader 1961  (Read 3237 times)

Offline brooksie

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R.E. crusader 1961
« on: April 12, 2007, 06:25:41 AM »
I just replaced the big end shells on the above bike.The end cap was torqued up to the correct setting and proper assembly grease was used.The engine has been put back together and it started up very well and was quiet.Now it seems to have a tight spot and when i try to kick it over the clutch slips (new plates).I can still turn it over with a bit of a push on the alternator bolt, but i can not kick it, as soon as it reaches compression it tightens up again.Is this normal and will it just be a case of trying to start her and then waiting for everything to loosen up or have i tightend up the bearings up too much ! 250in/ lbs.
Many thanks.