Do not leave out the Birmingham Museum of Transport which would probably be more informative than the other one which I found a disappointment in many ways.
Much further south, for sheer exotic bikes Sammy Miller museum is unbeatable.
If you will be based in London, keep your wallet out of sight, do not use your phone in full view in the street, don't leave it lying around in pubs or cafes; be careful with your change in pubs etc; use cash machines inside the banks, our bank notes are now plastic and tend to stick together and its easy to pas out two instead of one, and have all your wits about you 24hrs a day. The London of Barry Mckenzie does not exist any more. Use black cabs not Uber. Some of our more recent arrivals can spot a tourist from a mile or more away. Carry your bags across your chest.
I speak as a born and bred ex Londoner, I never go back there anymore.
PS parts of Birmingham might give you a shock as well.