Hi Ralf,
Some answers are easy, others not.
First, all Sport crankcases were drilled for oil ways no matter what lubrication system was used. Autolube or petroil. I think it was just easier for the factory to make the one set of crankcases for both types.
They did not do this with any other part for the petroil engine. Not the crankshafts nor the cylinder nor the main bearing bushes.
Second, all parts of both types are freely interchangeable so you can happily run an Autolube cylinder on a petroil crankcase but only with petroil lubrication.
Third, these engines have been around for ninety years or so. Owners assemble what ever parts they can find. This doesn’t matter if you use the petroil system but if you want to try the Autolube system you must pull the whole engine apart plus remove the main bearing bushes and check everything to make sure you have all the necessary drilled parts.
Finally, if only one engine is stamped with a “T” , what is stamped on the other?