Excessive oil in the cylinders will cause the rings to float and pass the oil.The unit 650 manual says any more than 100cc after 5min drainback is too much.Oil does not flow down the exhaust guide when the motor is running due to backpressure in the exhaust system.However the inlet guide is subject to manifold depression,and oil flow is increased.Generally oil going down the intake will burn in the combustion chamber,and cause an oily[but dry] plug with heavy deposits,oil running down the exhaust causes bulk smoke.Sump flooding[not wet sumping] is caused by oil runback from the tank,creates bulk smoke that clears up after about five minutes,and wet black oil may run from the joints in the exhaust,depending how much oil is in the sump.Wet sumping occurs while the motor is running due to oil not returning to the tank,same result but continuous[the motor will cut out due to oiled plug sooner or later.]The Triumph manual has a whole chapter on wet sumping /flooding.Nortons are notorious for flooding after a short time stopped,and owners sometimes fit taps to the feed line.Velocette used a suction operated ball valve .Any failure will cause a seizure.I simply drain the oiltank on mine.Regards John.