Classic Motorcycle Sport / HELLO RACERS-
« on: December 14, 2012, 03:33:16 PM »
We are a small and fledgeling motor racing club.we aim to stage our first event next year at the historic pendine sands in camarthenshire.we represent and are working on behalf of pendine community council , pcc , who control and own the access to the beach.
The sport of racing motorcycles down runways and proving grounds is well catered for , this is something entirely different.
As stated we are a small group of racers , some very experienced, some just keen , our aims are identical ,to promote landspeed racing on the sands , initially the first event is motorcycle only , as the more experienced racers felt that cars would ruin the [usually] marble smooth sands-bentley went 180 mph here last year-on street tyres , so we have the distance.
We have aligned with the I.O.P.D. [institute of professional drivers] to gain the RTA and other govt. permits.
We have deliberately avoided A.C.U. affiliation , but it may become necessary to encompass these people at later dates [for record ratification]
Our event is strictly * PRE 1990* as we ourselves ride british , american or aircooled japanese multi,s-
We have a facebook page that is the source of our most up to date info and contact details.http://www.facebook.com/pages/Pendine-L ... 919?ref=hl
So- here is a chance to race your machine , as fast as it or you can or will go , without having to pay the large amounts of money asked by the runway warriors , and without having to ship your machine around the globe , which is not only a lot of tiresome paperwork , phone calls , and emails to laconic american officials , its also very costly.
We aim for a june date ,but are still looking at the tide tables and liasing with other promoters.
Regs will be as per SCTA - NSA - exclusions apply for older machines.
We already have a few interesting and powerful machines keen to enter , and the BBC are talking to us again about filming the whole event.
Feel free to join the facebook page and volunteer or join up and race-THE LEGEND CONTINUES
regards PLRC
The sport of racing motorcycles down runways and proving grounds is well catered for , this is something entirely different.
As stated we are a small group of racers , some very experienced, some just keen , our aims are identical ,to promote landspeed racing on the sands , initially the first event is motorcycle only , as the more experienced racers felt that cars would ruin the [usually] marble smooth sands-bentley went 180 mph here last year-on street tyres , so we have the distance.
We have aligned with the I.O.P.D. [institute of professional drivers] to gain the RTA and other govt. permits.
We have deliberately avoided A.C.U. affiliation , but it may become necessary to encompass these people at later dates [for record ratification]
Our event is strictly * PRE 1990* as we ourselves ride british , american or aircooled japanese multi,s-
We have a facebook page that is the source of our most up to date info and contact details.http://www.facebook.com/pages/Pendine-L ... 919?ref=hl
So- here is a chance to race your machine , as fast as it or you can or will go , without having to pay the large amounts of money asked by the runway warriors , and without having to ship your machine around the globe , which is not only a lot of tiresome paperwork , phone calls , and emails to laconic american officials , its also very costly.
We aim for a june date ,but are still looking at the tide tables and liasing with other promoters.
Regs will be as per SCTA - NSA - exclusions apply for older machines.
We already have a few interesting and powerful machines keen to enter , and the BBC are talking to us again about filming the whole event.
Feel free to join the facebook page and volunteer or join up and race-THE LEGEND CONTINUES
regards PLRC