this bike is an example for the fact that there are no limits to human ingenuity and stamina!
The bike is called MSS500 and was built in 1955 by Polish genius Stanislaw Skura. Mr. Skura was a blacksmith by trade, but was extremely gifted in all things mechanical.
His personal life history is as fascinating as his two-wheeled creations (as there was more than just MSS500 - see below!). Just to give an example, during the NAZI occupation of his native country he was a partisan, supplying his fellow fighters with machine guns that he built from parts in his hidden workshop.
After the war he built several unusual vehicles, always making extensive use of aluminium as construction material.
In 1949 he built his first aluminium motorcycle called MSS1, using many parts from discarded German fighter airplanes that had to be left behind after the war. This was not entirely legal then in his newly soviet-controlled home country so he had to destroy his creation eventually. Some pictures have survived.
His masterpiece MSS500 is still in existence in Poland. It's engine is a home-built sidevalve 500 single and it has a three-speed plus reverse gearbox. Most of its aluminium parts are cast, even the thin-walled body panels! Other unusual features are the lefthand throttle twistgrip and the clutch control via the righthand twistgrip. Its present owner can be seen on a youtube video trying out the bike: Skura designed several bicycles as well, with very advanced features such as aluminium frames and sprung wheels. His seventh bicycle RSS7 of 1953 is said to have been built in just three days - after working hours of course!
Happy Easter to All