No one is expecting people to ride from the provinces!
But London & the South-East must have a lot of British bikes around, in fact when I first came to Kent there was a strong British bike following, especially round Maidstone, Ashford & Canterbury, Ramsgate had its Sprints and Brighton still does. George Brown came down here regularly, Derek Minter was a local hero, in fact if I remember rightly, Hallets in Canterbury still had a Minter "corner" up to the late 70s. Rural Kent was poorer than industrial Lancashire where I grew up, so there were more blokes going to work on bikes here than in cars, up to & including a later social "history" period & the Grass-track racing scene was much bigger in the rural South-East.
The point I am making is that , you & others may have done it before, but then you did it for yourselves, these runs are about less of yourself & a bit more for others, prices may stop people riding their prices of precious metal on the roads, but it also stops people especially the young from getting involved, money is tight, fuel is expensive, legislation is getting ridiculous, would you or I have got involved,30-40 years ago, if a Bantam to restore had been £600 quid instead of £65, or some Great Uncle hadn't told you tales about motorcycling from the dark old days of our glorious past?
Theres NO EXCUSE, when you too old & being sedated in a Nursing home on Complan & Statins & the only thing you can cling onto is a Zimmer frame, then its TOO LATE to pass any kind of legacy on to others, your knowledge, experience & any enthusiasm left just goes to that void, we all pretend isn't there & the World is a less richer place for it!
I know some of you guys do an awful lot of stuff, but perhaps we ALL including me should a little bit more, ride it like you stole it, treat each day like its you last, were appropriate!
DISCLAIMER: This in no way is an instruction for anyone to consider I condone motorcycle theft, or any theft, hands hung out to dry comes to mind!
My wife gave me strict instructions to take photographs especially of any Vincents I saw, I didn't have the heart to tell her no one rides them anymore & to see a Vincent is the twithgher equivalent of seeing a Wallcreeper, "Tichodroma muraria" in our Sceptered Isles, or finding an Observer's book in a charity shop @ a reasonable price!