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British Bikes / Re: Villiers 172cc brooklands engine?
« Last post by Ralf89 on January 10, 2025, 03:38:21 PM »
More photos
British Bikes / Villiers 172cc brooklands engine?
« Last post by Ralf89 on January 10, 2025, 03:37:12 PM »
Dear all,
I have this engine which looks like a mixture of different villiers parts. The cylinder is for my opinion a original brooklands. But the head also?
What is the difference to the tt head?
Furthermore the crankshaft should be also original brooklands. But the con rod is stamped with VIIA. According to the part list the brooklands engine should have a special con rod. Can someone confirm?
The crankcase is marked with T, so should be from a petrol standard sports engine. But all these parts are together for a very long time. Could it be possible, that this engine was built in this configuration? The engine number is 18xx, so it should be aprx 1925/1926?
Further photos will follow.
Many thanks in advance
British Bikes / Re: Sunbeam S7D stud
« Last post by Rex on January 09, 2025, 06:12:03 PM »
From memory I would guess at 5/16 BSF or possibly BSCy, but it's been a while..
Do you not have any spare fasteners you could use to ascertain the size?
British Bikes / Re: Sunbeam S7D stud
« Last post by R on January 08, 2025, 10:57:12 PM »
What do you have of them at present.
Wouldn't there be holes that would dictate their size ?

And wouldn't Stewart Engineering have what ye need.
Or have they ceased ...
British Bikes / Re: Sunbeam S7D stud
« Last post by ramwing7 on January 08, 2025, 09:45:16 PM »
In that pic, on the left side, you can see end of them at about the 1 and 7 positions.   There are 4 of them and they attach the Hardy Spicer to the flange coupling for the rear drive unit.
British Bikes / Sunbeam S7D stud
« Last post by ramwing7 on January 07, 2025, 06:36:15 PM »
Anyone know what size stud holds the rear Hardy-Spicer joint to the rear drive unit?
American Bikes / Re: 1949 Indian vertical twin parts
« Last post by R on January 06, 2025, 01:02:03 AM »
There was a fairly active Yahoo Group for these.
I think the Facebook group has taken over, since Yahoo bailed out of groups.

There are still a lot of these about when you take stock.
Inc some suppliers of parts.

Hopethishelpshavefun. !
American Bikes / Re: 1949 Indian vertical twin parts
« Last post by Rex on January 05, 2025, 09:46:17 PM »
Try the Indian Owners and Riders group. Mostly Chiefs but verticals get mentioned often too.
American Bikes / 1949 Indian vertical twin parts
« Last post by gettingold on January 05, 2025, 08:09:20 PM »
   I have had a 1949 Indian vertical twin Model 249 basket case sitting in the rafters for years. Dragged it out a couple of weeks ago and started to look it over, kinda a neat bike so I am going to put it together. Does anyone know of a any sources for parts and info on this model, besides E-Bay. Looks like I will be needing mostly small items like gaskets, suspension springs, etc. Any info would be appreciated.
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