Author Topic: Indian on an Enfield......bloody crazy Australians!!!  (Read 13645 times)

Offline India on an enfield

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Indian on an Enfield......bloody crazy Australians!!!
« on: July 18, 2011, 02:59:52 AM »
Hello all.
I am doing a ride through India on a 1965 Royal Enfield in May next year. I am riding to show the western world the beauty of India and to raise awareness of the poverty and the possibility for change.
Someone once said be the change you want to see in the world.......well i am trying to be that change. Please stop by my website and lend a hand and follow my journey on Facebook.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2011, 03:19:02 AM by India on an enfield »


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Re: Indian on an Enfield......bloody crazy Australians!!!
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2011, 06:35:20 PM »
That would be the poverty in a nation thats one of the largest economies in the world with nuclear weapons. a space programme and a huge number of billionaires?

I think you need to raise awareness in India not here.

Have a good trip, you'll get little sympathy from many here in the  skint UK which persists in giving away billions of our taxes to India.

Nothing against the Indians, or India, just naive aussies.

ride safe.


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Re: Indian on an Enfield......bloody crazy Australians!!!
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2011, 09:40:38 PM »
  , bin done many times look out for the jags  , india is rich ride through pakistan


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Re: Indian on an Enfield......bloody crazy Australians!!!
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2011, 10:25:55 PM »
Jags eh?
my brother in law gets Jaguars on contract hire via his business for many years, can't get a new one this year as they are high demand in India.

He's been fobbed off with a BMW.

Its this country that needs help.

Just read your Blog, take lots of Imodium and look out for hundreds of other  bikers doing the same thing.

ride to Afghanistan and see what fun poverty is there.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2011, 10:29:29 PM by yebbut »

Offline India on an enfield

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Re: Indian on an Enfield......bloody crazy Australians!!!
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2011, 05:19:06 AM »
Cheers All.

Yes it is a ride that has been don 1000 times and many many more will do it. I am not saying I am a trail blazer, just a rider with a heart.

I have been to many poor countries in my travels, in each country I try and make a small difference. The time has come though to stop making a small difference, the time has come to make a difference that will be noticed. I am not saying that I will end all poverty in India, I just can not go there and not help out.

Yes India needs to look out for it self for sure. They do have a space program and billionaires. There is also 60% of 5 to 18 years olds that are not in school because their parents can not afford it. I could keep listing but that is not my heart, my heart is just to help. One of the big things that I am raising money for is Their work deals with micro-financing, they do not give a hand out they give a hand up. They are about changing how people view and use money. They are an organization that I fell will make a long term difference. 

Thank you all for your feed back. Ride safely and take care.



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Re: Indian on an Enfield......bloody crazy Australians!!!
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2011, 02:56:42 PM »
India sends all its poor and starving here to UK. and we give them money which they send back to India for airfares for more relatives .

You will get little support or sympathy from an overcrowded, skint, overtaxed, overwhelmed, going downhill and  fed up UK I am afraid.

For myself, brutally, selfishly, I dont give a damn about 3rd world poverty.
the cure is in their trousers, if you can't fed 'em don't breed 'em.


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Re: Indian on an Enfield......bloody crazy Australians!!!
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2011, 12:12:03 PM »
im sorry to say it but i secund this last comment , and belive that a lot of the so called aid is interfering with nature and will only lead to a unsustanable in balance of the population


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Re: Indian on an Enfield......bloody crazy Australians!!!
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2011, 03:54:52 PM »
Well, I have lived in a few foreign lands and I decided a long time ago that the rich and selfish, note, not all rich people are selfish, have more in common with each other, wherever they are on the Globe, than with the ordinary people of their own nation, and that goes for the UK as well!

Politicians never asked the people in the UK about immigration, its a difficult situation, personally, I feel that the main problem in the UK is a lack of investment  and a political culture which stops any financial progress  for the majority of people, in taxing you @ every opportunity & allowing inflationary practises to take place too with no in-built safeguards.  When houses became commodities, then it was inevitable that most people would eventually not be able to earn enough to own their own home.

We can all easily fall into the trap that colour and creed is to totally blame for a particular nations woes e.t.c, but the plain fact often is, if people open their eyes, many or our own countrymen, the same skin colour & possibly religion, but definitely culture would send  you down the river, without a blink of an eye. 

The biggest shafting that has gone on this last  Millennium  has been by the Financial Institutions and associated rip-off practices, bent Coppers and dishonest MPs, a manipulated gutter press, dodgy Council Officials,  greedy developers and dangerous ideologies that stop anyone doing anything in the UK, unless you have bags full of money, prove you have an NVQ in something and have a piece of paper saying you are not a nonce, all this has been @ the expense of the ordinary British public & the advancement of the Nation.

The fatherless ones, that attempted to steal a moped & damaged it beyond repair, then my old BMW motorcycle was damaged in an attempted theft,  then damage to the cars,  the theft of  copper pipes and cast iron from the house last week or so, just happened from witnesses to be indeed English, except for one occasion when I caught an eastern European "lost" in the back garden clutching a piece of copper pipe!

If India & Pakistan did send all the real poor & starving we would then have a serious problem, the fact is people may  suddenly see that the wealth creation in the World is shifting very quickly to the Far east, the West didn't put its house in order fast enough. 

Maybe & unfortunately in the 21st Century, instead of a more balanced World, the economic powerhouse & wealth creation probably will be the other foot, in the East, with the West "civilised" and economically  advanced  nations experiencing, a bitter pill of increased economic instability and increased poverty, because they have been hood-winked by misguided Democratic processes, which have little to do with what the majority of people want or need.

Well done Kenneth, it might have been done before but @ least you are doing something for Human Beings even if it is somewhere other than Blighty.  I will try & follow your blog, I wish I was riding round somewhere exotic, rather than facing ridiculously stupid  senseless speed restrictions and speed cameras @ every turn in places where they shouldn't be.

John Aspinall when comparing humans to animals always said, animals only breed in the right environmental conditions & when there is enough food around & that we had a lot to learn, as investors buy food stocks the availability of food get distorted too, when our markets and Supermarkets  exhibit hyper -prices of food or not much @ all on the shelves, then perhaps most people will realise we need to get some Global cohesion to mend this  broken World of ours.
I can't think of a total solution to the problems of World  poverty, but as a book "The Spear of Destiny"  by Trevor Ravenscroft is a damn good read & gets the old grey matter thinking, that perhaps things aren't always  as they seem.




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Re: Indian on an Enfield......bloody crazy Australians!!!
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2011, 02:06:39 PM »
Too many people on the planet .

Contraception gave our society the chance of a better life by enabling people to choose how many kids they could feed.

Why should we have the liability of the those who chose to breed like rats?

Why should I feed some poor child who in 20 years time will have produced yet more starving kids to endure another  miserable,  starved deprived life.

Any other species nature would take its course and adjust population to its sustainable level.

This weekends events in London just reinforce my prejudices that some people have no wish to improve their lot while they can get handouts from those who have.


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Re: Indian on an Enfield......bloody crazy Australians!!!
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2011, 09:58:07 PM »
in-between Black & White there's Grey!


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Re: Indian on an Enfield......bloody crazy Australians!!!
« Reply #10 on: August 21, 2011, 05:36:08 AM »
Well cheers for the positive comments JBW, I will look into that book next week when I am back in town. It is fantastic to see an open mind.

As for the negative comments, well people are entitled to there comments/opinions. I could get into rebutting them but that is not what I am about.

I am just a guy that is passionate about making a difference. Again the charity I am choosing to support looks at the challenges that face a community, and teach people how to overcome them, or prevent them from happening again. They are about build a community up in all areas........just saying. The work they are doing is fantastic.

again thanks JBW for your positive comments. You have some great points and insight. Keep being positive.


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Re: Indian on an Enfield......bloody crazy Australians!!!
« Reply #11 on: May 06, 2013, 12:30:53 PM »
I just tried it. This Website is no longer available. Perhaps he saw the light?


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Re: Indian on an Enfield......bloody crazy Australians!!!
« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2013, 01:32:35 PM »
no its all still going and so is he "India on an Enfield" on/in  face book , by the sounds of his face book posts i think hes found some prime indian weed or the altitudes got to him
« Last Edit: May 06, 2013, 01:36:58 PM by wetdog »

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Re: Indian on an Enfield......bloody crazy Australians!!!
« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2013, 06:03:44 PM »
Some people always look to tilt at some kind of windmill, whether it's for the benefit of others or for their own self esteem or indeed a combination of the two. I'm afraid I am a cynical old bar steward and tend to be a supporter of the more negative (realistic) comments that have been posted.
If iver tha does owt for nowt alus duit for thissen

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Re: Indian on an Enfield......bloody crazy Australians!!!
« Reply #14 on: June 06, 2013, 04:39:34 PM »
Why go all the way to India when you can follow the route in Bombers joke posted in Biker Bar 06/06/13