Hi, I went to start this as the weekend and when tickling the carb no fuel came out of the hole in the top, which it normally does.. I took the top off the float chamber and it was about 2/3 full of fuel with the bowl floating. I pushed the bowl down, expecting the chamber to fill up, but it stayed the same level. So I took the bike for a spin, as it was sunny.. It started misfiring after a short distance. When I got back I checked the float again and there was no much fuel in there. I drained the tank and checked the tap filter, which looks okay. There was some muck in the fuel but not loads, though the last bit to drain out was cloudy...
But the carb is still the same, no fuel flooding when tickled. Am I missing something? Suppose I need to take the carb apart again. The main body of the carb is still dripping fuel, but it stops once the engine is started..