Hello, I am at the near end of my restoration of my 1950 Terrot MT1, very much the French equivalent of a BSA Bantam.
single 2 stoke, all stripped, new rings, super clean carb and re-magnetised magneto. Fat blue sparks when you turn it over by hand on the kick start.
Should start?
Not a chance. Fresh fuel etc but absolutely nothing.
The plug has never got wet while I have tried and tried to get it going. I've tried Easy Start too, nothing. All the passages in the barrel are clear as is the lower crank case, head gasket it tight.
I've tried different timing positions, the French say 5mm piston Down from TDC, I've tried this and 2mm, nothing. Points gap is 0.4mm.
The fuel level is exactly to the top of the vertical main jet that the tapered needle goes into, the carb is an AMAL/AMAK and every hole (there are not many) is clear.
I am at a loss what to do try next, but the skip next door is tempting....
What am I missing here?
Hope somebody can help. The people on the Terrot.org site are not very forth-coming.
Thanks, Graham.