This Terrot is driving me insane!
With the Chinese carb on it might start, and when it does it revs away like mad, will not 'throttle' at all.
If I put the new exhaust system on (absolutely straight through) it won't start.
When it did run today, the lights worked, so at least some good news.
Tried the original again, and nothing. It has never started with the original carb on. The carb is cleaner than when AMAC made it, fuel level is 'just' on the top of the main jet tube where it exposes in the bore of the carb, needle is on 2nd of 3 groves and the jet (there is only one) is '55' as per MT1 spec for the 903/165 carb.
Just what am I doing wrong!
The sparks are huge, blue and big, I could weld with them.
Timing must be right (5mm piston down BTDC) as it runs on the big Chinese carb.