The Matchless name was sold off to whoever was making the Rotax engined singles in the 80s .....they discovered Austrian engine styling may have made for efficient cooling,but didnt gel with customers.And is now possibly owned by one of the tossers making mugs and T shirts....None of the Collier brothers had sons ,and the directors of AMC in the late 50s were the sons in law,and Jock West,appointed to replace Charles Collier ....West had the ability peculiar to scots of rubbing everyone the wrong way,and he also hated yanks ,in particular yanks telling him what to do....As Group Sales Director,this caused some problems...As the sixties dawned ,profit turned to loss ,and the banks appointed directors ,displacing family members......Tis said (truthfully) Norton kept AMC afloat.,but all good things come to an end ,and they did when carpetbaggers moved in for the kill.