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Pages: [1]
British Bikes / Waratah on fleabay
« on: February 03, 2025, 10:52:30 PM »
Hmmmm, quite a hefty price for an unfinished project ?

Been trying to get a sale for quite a while now ...

British Bikes / Villiers chain ?
« on: July 31, 2024, 06:41:47 AM »
My lil' Villiers needs a new rear chain.
125cc 9D

From previous discussions here, it needs to be a 1/2" x 3/16" x .335"
(Which is not the same as a 420 at all.)

Terriers used the same for the primary drive (clutch), but are quite short.
Renolds appear to have made this - as 110044, mostly out of stock it would seem.
Bantams used something similar - although maybe not as the .335   ??

Is Villiers Services the only source of this.
Postage is quite a chunk these days, unless something can be sourced closer to home ?

The new sprockets are strategically stamped with this 335 detail ...

British Bikes / Waratah speedo
« on: May 13, 2024, 12:32:59 AM »
So I've come across a neat little Smiths speedo, 2 & 1/2 inch, and pondered fitting it to a Waratah 1945/6 125cc.

I don't think speedos were even an option then ?, so this has me pondering.
How to organise a speedo drive.
And, laughing, is 40 mph going to be enough !

Thoughts ?
Indian Bullets and plenty o jappas have a speedo drive off the front wheel.
Where will the ratios be.

Possibly off an autocycle ?

British Bikes / Brooks toolboxes
« on: April 15, 2024, 10:41:17 PM »
I have come across these. Bit battered, bit crusty and a bit modified ?
They have dried out, considerably, what is best for 'revitalysing/rehydrating' them ?
They seem to be in black - unless they have been coated with something ?
Very thick heavy leather.
Would, at a pinch, fit my old Triumph project.

Closest I could find of their ancestors is these (modern remakes).

So the lock/clip has been added at some point ?
Brookes made quite a range, when you scout about ...

British Bikes / Invincible JAP decals ?
« on: June 18, 2023, 10:53:54 PM »
Someone is asking if Invincible JAP decals are available anyplace ?
Any leads appreciated.
And thanks to Leon for the loan/linking/pirating of his image !
(They are JAP engines in them, afterall.)

Or do signwriters need to get involved here ...

European and Other Bikes / Jawa electrical gizmo ?
« on: June 26, 2021, 02:24:32 AM »
I've got amongst some stuff a Jawa battery box.
Looks like plunger frame era, early 1950s, bit crusty ?
Its got an electrical gizmo on top that could be a zener diode maybe ?
Labelled as USMERNOVAC JAWA  6V 1.5A

Anyone shed any light on this ?
9w doesn't seem like much to do anything useful with ?
Unless its quite a low output electrics all around !
There is a bit online on this - but its all in czech !

British Bikes / Excelsior Factory Kings Road Tyseley Brum
« on: June 01, 2021, 05:53:26 AM »

With all the recent chit chat about Excelsiors and Waratahs and assorted other imports into Oz,
I thought I'd have a look at a little booklet published on Excelsior motorcycles.
Excelsior the lost pioneer. Liversidge.

Now this budget priced book doesn't claim to be the complete work, and has a nice potted history of the maker,
with a number of b&w pics of varying quality. Many of them as the advertising posters of their time.

What it doesn't cover is the factory side of things postwar, other than a paragraph stating the state of the ex-factory site,
now a Rovex Business Park.  The factory advertising gives the address as Kings Road Tyseley, but in fact the factory appears to front
onto Hay Hall Rd in Tyseley Brum . (off Kings Road.),-1.8414406,3a,75y,64.57h,96.85t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s4_tzxbcw0V0UDsj2WEsDiA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

BSA and Britax were involved in the ownership in the final years, getting but a very brief mention.

Anyone got a photo of the factory operating as a motorcycle manufacturer in its heyday ?
Or have any texts on who the management or employees may have been postwar ??
Or former employees memoirs ?

Site Feedback / Strange log in reply ?
« on: April 16, 2018, 10:31:41 PM »
A couple of times (every time) when I've tried to login in over the past few days,
it comes up and sez this site has been recently newly registered,
to some cheapo outfit.

And then its been off and on for another day or so.

Is this some sort of hack, or.......  ?

Pages: [1]